March 20, 2019

baby monitoring

How do we monitor your baby!


Monitoring for 9 months of pregnancy - Monitoring during active labour

monitoring in pregnancy

Fetal Heart

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.

Baby Movements

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.

Baby Weight Gain

Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.

In 9 months of pregnancy, i encourage regular monthly examinations and steady increased frequency in the last few weeks of pregnancy to ensure close monitoring.
In each visit, apart from examining the mother, assessing the baby i strongly encourage the lady, understand the importance of nutrition.
Dr Babitha Maturi


Fetal Heart

Continuous monitoring of fetal Heart sounds are done using CTG and we are on the lookout for dips that can mean fetal distress.

Liquor Colour

Liquor, meaning amniotic fluid which surrounds the baby in the uterus comes out during active labour. A change in its colour as labour progresses can be an indication of fetal distress.

Baby Descent

Good and regular uterine contractions, facilitate widening of the birth canal. This is assessed by internal examination which also allows us to locate the progressive descent of the baby in the birth canal.

Enjoy the Best Phase of your life

Early Pregnancy Scans


Dating of pregnancy

Second Trimester


Third Trimester

Amniotic Fluid

Placenta maturity

Biophysical Profile

Any anomaly in the baby
Type of presention of baby
Assessment of blood flow to baby
Amnoitic fluid quantity
Weight of baby
Location of Placenta

Position of the baby in the uterus is important as normal delivery is possible and safe if head presents in the pelvis first. Breech and shoulder presentations are delivered by caesarean route. Even the position of Placenta also influneces our decision. 

Ultrasound Doppler studies are done around 32-34 weeks to study blood flow in uterine, umbillical and middle cerebral arteries to assess blood flow to uterus and fetus. If abnormality detected and confirmed by repeat tests, terminatiion of pregnancy might be considered.

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