April 20, 2018


Gynaecological Surgery

Surgery in the pelvis like Gynaecological Surgery needs expertise and experience. We @ Parijatham focus on Gynaecological Surgeries and our varied and broad experience spanning even cancer surgeries gives us the edge and confidence to give you the very best!

Dr Babitha Maturi

We offer a complete range of surgical procedures for women. From simple gynaecological surgeries like tubectomy and ovarian cyst excision to complex laparoscopic hysterectomies and endometriosis.

Our extensive over 2 decades surgical expertise in managing complex cancer surgeries for cervix and ovary allows us to handle complicated re surgeries, post caesarian hysterectomies and fibroid surgeries!

Minimally invasive surgery aka as Band Aid surgery is the best mode for most gynaecological procedures. Surgeons @ Parijatham Clinics are experts in the field with more than a decade of experience in application of laparoscopy for gynaecological, general and cancer surgeries!

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