March 21, 2019

Laparoscopic Fibroid Surgery

About The Laparoscopic Fibroid Surgery

Laparoscopic Fibroid surgery is best for management of fibroids. The removed fibroid is delivered through the vagina. Hence Laparoscopic Fibroid Surgery is without scar and allows quick recovery.

For a large fibroid, a small incision may be used to deliver and rarely a morcellator is used to breakdown the tissue to allow completion of Fibroid Surgery through Laparoscopy.

The Gallery

The following images are fibroids in different locations and of different sizes in the uterus that have been successfully operated by the experts at Parijatham Clinics. 

Body of Uterus




Broad Ligament



A massive fibroid involving entire uterus operated through laparoscopic method!

“Fibroids can be of different sizes and can reach huge sizes and can be located in technically challenging locations. They can be close to major blood vessels, near to ureters or pushing the urinary bladder making surgery difficult and near impossible. Our strong expertise in complex cancer surgeries makes difficult fibroid surgery safer and feasible.”

“Every Fibroid, any size, any location we can help!” ​
  1. Which size of fibroid is dangerous?
  2. What are fibroids?
  3. What causes fibroids?
  4. What are different types of fibroids?
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