August 22, 2022

Maternity Care



 Maternity Care at Manikonda

Pregnancy Experts at Parijatham Clinics are mothers themselves and understand the naunces of birth care.  We hand hold you through nine months of journey, helping you enjoy your motherhood.

Our Structured birth plan is created in consultation with you. Every mother after consultation is onboarded on our custom software solution that ensures you receive appropriate blog articles while the calendar feature prevents you missing an appointment with our Obstetrician. Maternity Care at Manikonda


Premium Consutlation

Would be motheres are onboarded onto our pregnancy care after a detailed consultation with our Senior Obstetrician


Nutrition Tracking

All patients recieve information and nutrition counselling on a monthly basis. Women with special needs will have Nutritionist Supervision.


Exclusive Access

Would be mothers of Parijatham would be part of a structured Pregnancy Care plan with a exclusive Pregnancy Care Manager for Personalised care.


We help you concieve by education and facilitation.​


We do the necessary screening and give all vaccine shots.​

Preparing For D Day

We counsel you what to expect & prepare you mentally and physically.

Pre Delivery Wellness

We ensure you are in best health for a chubby baby.


We believe nutrition is the key and ensure you have the key to it.​

Post Delivery Care

We of course make this period safe and pleasurable​

“It takes someone brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a childe, and someone special to love someone more than herself.” Mothers @ Parijatham. Meet them..

Magic of Birth

Everyone talks about the joys of birth, the joy of bringing new life into the world. Skin against skin and tears in the midst of screams culminate months of waiting, never-ending nerves and weird cravings. Birthing Experience with us. Know more..



Structured Care Plan

Our well thought out care plan ensures international guidelines based investigations, immunisation and timely doctor consultations to prepare you for a healthy baby


Dedicated Care Manager

A  nurse with  special training in pregnancy care supported by a custom software solution will answer your smallest doubts and is just a phone call away.


Automated Messaging

Our custom software solution will ensure timely approrpriate whatsapp messages of how to take care of yourselves while it will ensure you will not miss your appointments

The Perfect Location

A exclusive centre for complete women health care!

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